Welcome Back!

The fun thing about a new year is the fresh start! As you come back to Spanish class, remember that this is an opportunity to learn a new language. Think about what you expect from this class. It is an opportunity to learn basic communication skills in Spanish. Are you going to take advantage of that opportunity and get another A on your report card at the same time?

There are some things that you should expect from Spanish class this year:
-A "syllabus" or "course map" that tells you where were are now, what we are going and when we will get there.
-You will know when you get quizzes and exams at the start of each chapter, and how much each activity will be worth.
- Clearly explained homework assignments.
-More music.
-More group work.
-More reading.
-I will still be available at lunch to answer any questions or to help you get your work done.
-We will keep the Word Olympics going!

I think that is all good news for everybody! But it also comes with my expectations:
-We will move through more material more quickly.
-Good participation and good attitudes will be rewarded.
-All students will turn in all homework assignments.
-All students will participate in class. If you do not know where we are when you are called on, your participation grade will suffer. If your are disrupting the class, your participation grade will suffer.
-If you are absent, you will see me to make up any missed assignments.
-If you do not have an excused absence, late homework will ONLY be accepted the next time we meet for class, and you will only receive 50% of the credit you earn.

Remember, if you ever want to know about what homework has been assigned and when, go to your class archive, it is all there!
*NOTICE* you have to click on 2009 in order to bring up the class archive menu and find your class. All classes are filed in 2009!

¡Estoy muy contenta, let's enjoy the new year!


Maddi H. said...

Hey Sra.Malisa, i tried going on to quia but i can't remember my user name.

Kat S. said...

Same as Maddi.:/ i just dont remember the numbers at the end

Señora Malisa said...

The usernames are mostly the first letter of your first name and your last name (but that is not always the case, unfortunately.) The numbers are 692.
Thanks for trying to get on Kat and Maddi!