Study Guide for TEST

Do QUIA and focus on these items from the book (for 7th Grade- all is the same but subtract Chapter 3.)


When? Wednesday, December 2

What is on the test?

Concepts and vocabulary from Chapters 1 ,2 &3 and the additional vocabulary that we went over in class. All the assigned homework games on QUIA, including the practice quizzes, are tailored to help you pass the upcoming test. Activities must be completed by Wednesday December 2.

In case of an internet “emergency” and you absolutely CANNOT get on to QUIA, complete the written homework assignments below in order to help prepare you for the test, If you are having trouble- do all of them. If you are confident you know it, do two or three of the most difficult to brush up. Do not come to the test unprepared!) Homework will be accepted on Wednesday December 2.

A). Chapter 1

Adjectives- page 15, nationalities and QUIA. (written alternative: choose 10 adjectives and illustrate it with a drawing or a cut-out from a magazine.)

Articles- page 22. A definite article is “the” (el, la, los, la). An indefinite article is “a , an or some” (un, una, unos, unas) (Written alternative: pg. 23 Historieta #14 and #15.)

The verb “SER”- pg. 25. Soy? Eres? Es? Know these! (Written alternative: pgs. 26, 27, do Historietas #23, #24 and #25.)


B.) Chapter 2

Adjectives- describing teachers and courses. (written alt.: pg. 50, Historieta #7)

Nouns- School subjects, (pg. 48) Plural- nouns, articles, adjectives and SER (pg. 52)

SER- pg. 54. When do you use son or somos? (written alt: pg. 55, Historieta #16)

TIME pg. 58. (Written alternative: (pg. 59 Historieta # 21)

C.) Chapter 3

Nouns pg. 76-83 La Ropa y materiales escolares.

Question words pg. 82 Qué, Quién Dónde Cuándo and Cuánto (cuesta) (pg. 85 Historieta # 16)

-AR verbs pg. 84-86 pagar, usar, comprar, necesitar, mirar, hablar, buscar, llevar (written alt: pg. 86 Historieta # 18)

C.) Additional Vocabularythis is phrases like “Quiere tener” (wants to have) and “le gusta” (s/he likes). Check your class notes.

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