Thanks to those of you who have been contacting me by email with questions regarding your presentations! Some of you are already nearly finished!!

To clarify- THE "ESSAY"
However you are doing your project, I want a short "essay" that describes the topic you have researched. This should be 1-2 pages.
I put essay in quotation marks because I am not going to be super strict about your writing and format. I just one paper that brings together your ideas and allows you to voice an opinion on them.
EXAMPLE: Remember, an essay includes an intro, body and conclusion. If you are doing a country project on, say, Spain, then introduce the country with (hopefully) the reason why you chose it and why it is interesting. Introduce three topics that particularly interest you about Spain. Then further explain each of those topics, each with its own short paragraph and finally, write a conclusion. A conclusion could include something you learned that surprised you, how you felt about the research project, etc.
If you are doing a group project, each person needs to have a separate conclusion so I understand how you connect to the topic and the project. The essay should be longer (for 4 people- aim for 3-4 pages).

Powerpoints are similar to poster projects in that you have pictures and bullet points that represent the main ideas of your research. The "essay" gives more explanation and a personal perspective.

Most of the stuff that you have in the powerpoint and in the poster you can cut and paste into the essay. DON'T STRESS IT!!
Just write your thoughts and DO IT!!!
I know you can!

PRESENTATIONS: By popular request I have made the presentation portion of the project extra credit. If you can condense it all into about 5 minutes, I welcome you to show the class the hard work you have done. If you don't want to present, you can still get an A+. The former percentage value attached to presenting will go to the overall project in the grading guide.

Presentations will begin on December 7.


Sra. Malisa

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