Classroom Procedures


I.    ¡Llega a la clase con una sonrisa y listo para aprender español! 

(Come to class with a smile and ready to learn Spanish!)

II.   Materiales que necesitas cada día:  (Materials that you need everyday:)

A.    Tu texto- Your textbook

B.    Tu cuaderno de español y papel o libreta-

Your Spanish folder or binder and paper or notebook

C.    Tu diario- your diary, a notebook or composition book.

D.   Pluma/ lápiz- Pen/ pencil

E.   Tarea hecha- Finished Homework

III.  El Cuaderno de español- The Spanish Binder

A.  En este cuaderno, vas a organizar TODO lo que haces en español. 

In this notebook, you will organize EVERYTHING that you do in Spanish Class. Buy binder or folder that you will use just for Spanish Class. 

B.   Organización- Organization

1.     Listos de vocabulario- Vocabulary lists

2.     Actividad para empezar- Bell work

3.    Trabajo diario- Daily work

4.   Tarea- Homework

5.     Otros- Others

IV.  Bathroom Passes

You will be issued one bathroom pass per unit.  If you take care of your personal business before class and do not need to use the pass, you can turn it in with your unit test and get a bonus point toward your test grade!  If you must excuse yourself during classtime, you will sign in and out and be allowed a maximum of 5 minutes.  Any minute over this will be served later as detention.

V.  Coming in late

If you are tardy, you must have a pass. (No pass= sent to the office).

Leave your pass on my desk and take your seat quietly.

Check the board for the agenda and try to catch up with us. I will check on you to help you and will give you any needed handout or instructions.


VI. Actively participate in every class activity. Try your best!




Unknown said...

i love the music senorita i was thinking mabee u should put pages of extra credit on ur site it can help students cach up like me and mabee howework pages we can print if we miss a day or even e-mail it to u

sincerely tori erick :) adios (:

Señora Malisa said...

That is a good idea Tori! Thanks for checking out the music! I am glad you want to get a good grade in Spanish! Aren't you lucky you get to be in Spanish class while your dad didn't get to take Spanish? See you in class!