
Spanish Class, 2009-2010                                                                                                                            Hillcrest Middle School                                                                                                         Señora Malisa

Contact: Phone: (209) 791-5380


I. Class Description:

This class will give students and introduction to the language tools and cultural knowledge for basic communication in Spanish.

II. Class Objectives:

*To provide a foundation for speaking, reading, writing and understanding spoken Spanish.

*To cultivate cultural understanding and enjoyment.

*To understand the importance of learning a second language.

*To understand the importance of Spanish in the world.

*Develop insights about the English language and culture through studying Spanish.

*To use Spanish within and beyond the school setting.

III. Teacher/Parent Communication:


You may have noticed that our classroom has a blog!  All newsletters pertaining to the class and homework assignments will be posted on the blog.  I will also be posting activities, stories, photos and further resources.  Please utilize this resource to connect with the class and stay up to date on activities and assignments.  If anything seems unclear, please feel free to contact me at anytime.  I look forward to direct communication with parents and guardians via email, phone calls and conferences.  I believe open communication is essential to the student’s academic and behavioral success. I check my email daily and will get back to you within 24 hours by phone to set up a meeting.  

IV. Procedimientos de la Clase- Classroom Procedures

i.                   ¡Ven a clase con una SONRISA y LISTO para aprender español!- Come to class with a smile and ready to learn Spanish!

ii.                Silencio al entrar clase- Silence upon entering class.

iii.             Materiales que necesitas cada día:  Materials that you need everyday:

a.    Tu texto- Your textbook

b.   Tu cuaderno de español y papel o libreta-

Your Spanish folder or binder and paper or notebook

c.    Tu diario- your diary, a notebook or composition book.

d.   Pluma/ lápiz- Pen/ pencil

e.    Tarea hecha- Finished Homework


iv.               El Cuaderno de español- The Spanish Folder

a.    En este cuaderno, vas a organizar TODO lo que haces en español.  In this notebook, you will organize EVERYTHING that you do in class. Buy binder or folder that you will use just for Spanish class. 

b.   Organización del cuaderno- Organization of the folder

1.    Listos de vocabulario- Vocabulary lists

2.    Actividad para empezar- Beginning Activities

3.   Trabajo diario- Daily work

4.  Tarea- Homework

5.    Otros- Others




v.                 El Baño- Bathroom Pass

You will be issued one bathroom pass per unit.  If you take care of your personal business before class and do not need to use the pass, you can turn it in with your unit test and get a bonus point toward your test grade!  If you must excuse yourself during classtime, you will sign in and out and be allowed a maximum of 5 minutes.  Any minute over this will be served later as detention.


vi.              Llegando tarde- Coming in late

a.    If you are tardy, you must have a pass. (No pass= sent to the office).

b.   Leave your pass on my desk and take your seat quietly.

c.    Check the board for the agenda and try to catch up with us. I will check on you to help you and will give you any needed handout or instructions.

vii.           Actively participate in every class activity. Try your best!




I believe that Spanish is best learned by doing, and not by creating high anxiety.  Therefore, we have numerous ways to maintain an A for all students, which simply require an enjoyable, daily practice.


Activity or Assignment

Due date

Percentage of Grade

Classroom Participation









Projects (2)

To Be Announced



End of each chapter



End of year












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