EXTRA CREDIT!!!! (Who is Fidel Castro?)

I am sure you recognize this satellite picture of a southern US state. Which state do you see?
Right. Florida. So, what country is only 90 miles south of Florida? That is the country that for many decades has been synonymous with Fidel Castro. But, Who is Fidel Castro?

For February's Extra Credit opportunity, I want you to research Fidel. In a three page paper, citing your resources, I want you to explain who he is and tell me whether you agree or disagree with him. Do you think Fidel is good or bad? Support your argument using examples. Explain the US policy towards the small country that he governed. Is it good or bad policy?

This is a very important topic. Please consider the issue carefully. It is very controversial!! I want to know what you think!! Many Americans don't know about this subject, but people all over the world are VERY familiar with it!

The assignment is worth 20 points. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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