Progress Reports...

Just a reminder to everyone, progress reports are not your trimester grade! They are recognition of work you have done, or a reminder that you need to work harder or talk to your teacher. For any of you who do not feel that the progress report reflected the grade you thought you had, no problem, come and talk to me. For some people, there are still some assignments that needed to go into the gradebook!! Please know, that I am ready and willing to work with everyone of you so that you get a good grade in Spanish. But if you do not do your work, and do not ask for help, then I cannot help you.

For those who have contacted me, or for those who come in at lunch to ask for help, I will give you extra credit points.

If you want to take the AP test, you should definitely come and see me if there is ever something you do not understand.

Sra. Malisa

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