The Research Project Assignme

II. Research Project:

THE ASSIGNMENT: Research a Spanish Speaking Country. (Look at the maps at the beginning of the textbook for ideas.)

THE RESEARCH: When you are doing your research, pay attention to what interests you.  While researching a country, you might find some detail of particular interest to you.  For example, the pyramids in Mexico, or the Tango in Argentina, or the history of the Incas in Peru are great topics to research!

*You must turn your research idea into me to be reviewed by November 9th. 

THE PROJECT: Again, you have some opportunity to be creative here.  Some ideas of what you can do:

-Make a poster with pictures, and if you like drawings, of your topic.  Label the pictures.  Write at least a page that explains your research topic in detail. 

- Write a few pages like a travel book.  Include categories such as history, government, food and points of interest.  Include photos and explanations of each place that would make us want to travel to your country. 

-Choose an artist and paint a picture that you liked.  Write a biography on this person and an explanation of the painting you chose.

-Dramatize an event in history.  This can be done in groups, but requires SERIOUS research and QUALITY performances!   Everyone must have a major part.  Write a report on the event, including background, timeframe, people involved and consequences, etc.  This must be a minimum of 5 pages.  Only ONE written report per group needed!  The acting can be done live in class, or video taped and burned onto a DVD to play for the class (or for the teacher if you don’t want the class to see.)  Each group member must also turn in a one page summery of the group process, including a confidential assessment of how other group members performed.

- A PowerPoint Presentation on your country or topic.  (can be turned in by attaching it to an email to me.

-If you come up with other ideas, GREAT!  Let me know.

DUE DATES:  NOVEMBER 9- All research ideas and presentation ideas must be turned into me for review.

NOVEMBER 30- Must turn in either a completed report or a rough draft of what you will present.

DECEMBER 7- All projects are due, No exceptions and no excuses please.

Feel free to email me with any questions about your topic or method of presentation.   Good luck and Have fun!

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