AP week 1/25-1/27

AP (Advanced Placement) REACH- 1/25

-Prueba #1

-Leen páginas 122-123. Contesten las preguntas en página 123.

-Escojen un foto. Usando las palabras del listo de vocabulario, escribe un cuento sobre el foto. Cada persona escribe un frase. ¿Saben de qué película son las fotos? ¿La han visto?

(Choose a picture. Write your name on the paper. Using the words for the vocabulary list, begin a story about the picture in one or two sentences. Pass is to the person on your right. Each person writes one sentence, and then passes it to the next person on his/her right. Go around the table once so each person gets a chance to write a sentence for each story. When you have your story back, analyze it for grammatical errors. Make any corrections that you can. Read for meaning. Does it make sense? Is it funny?

Read each other’s stories. Which is the most grammatically correct? Which makes the most sense? Which used the most vocabulary words? Which funniest?


*use the letter phrase list and finish your pen pal letter.

*Read page 114 for comprehension. Can you mentally fill in the blanks? If so, be prepared for a quiz on comprehension on Wendesday. If it is hard, practice filling in the blanks with the correct verb form for additional practice. Make sure you know what the verbs mean.

*Find a picture that is a good prompt for a short story. We will swap pictures on Wednesday and write our own stories!

AP REACH- 1/27

-Prueba #2.


-Ser vs. estar worksheet (to be turned in)

Swap photos and begin writing a short story based on what you think is going on in that photograph. Be creative! Grab a dictionary if you need to.

TAREA- Finish stories.

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