6th Period, 11/16-11/18

¡Hola 6th Period!  ¡El INVIERNO!

Gracias to those of you who gleefully spent some time exploring the world of Spanish online, doing QUIA activities, and commenting on this blog.  
It is new, it is strange, it is going to take a little while to figure out.
Don't worry, we will learn español the whole way.

Of course, this internet stuff isn't perfect.  
Technical difficulties do happen, but for the most part, when you sit down to do your Spanish homework, it would be advisable to begin here, make sure you have the assignment, open the book to review the concepts, and get to work on what was assigned, either from QUIA or from the book.  

For those of you who need to turn in the "School Schedule" assignment, read the description below:
"El Horario Escolar"  (The School Schedule)

8 sentences that describe a typical day at school, including (an estimate!) of what time you go to which classes.

For example,

1. A las ocho de la mañana, voy a la clase de íngles.
(At eight in the morning, I go to English class.)

2. A las nueve menos cuarto, voy a la clase de educación fisíca.
(At quarter to nine (8:45am), I go to P.E.)

Many of you have asked the GREAT question of, "How do you say 'Language Arts' class?"
L.A. used to be called, "English." It is okay to say, "íngles", I understand.  Other ways are "artes lenguajes" or simply, "literatura", "literature."

GOOD QUESTION!  and Good Luck! 

11/16- Tarea: 
-El Horario Escolar (if you haven't done it. Full credit)
-Your Perfectly typed Poem (If you haven't done it- partial credit for this one.)
-The letter home, signed.
-Go to www.sramalisa.blogspot.com and make a comment so that I know you can find your class folder.
-Do the assigned activities from QUIA, spending at least 20 minutes.

¡Hasta mañana! (see you tomorrow!)

Sra. Malisa

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