TAREA 12/1-12/3

12/1- Welcome Back!!! ITS TEST DAY!! Preterite Whack a Word. Continue to review preterite verb forms by reading a children's story together. (Un cuento- a story)
TAREA- Do workbook pages assigned. Due Thursday 12/3. Choose a children's story (that is written in past tense- which is most of them.) Read as best as you can for understanding without looking up words. Then, scan for verbs that are written in the past tense. Identify the infinitive form of the verb. Identify at least 10 new vocabulary words (as many as possible.) Did you understand the story? Write one paragraph (in Spanish!) to identify what the story is about. Due next Tuesday 12/8.
12/3- Bring in your Spanish story books if you have them. Review workbook pages. Play Spanish Pictionary for phrases. TAREA- Work on children's story summary. Do assigned QUIA.

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